Reporting Requirements
Talking to
a Child
Making the
Reporting requirements vary slightly for a few groups...
Select the affiliation that best fits you:

Mandated Reporters
by State Statute
Did you find yourself in the left column of the previous page?
If so (or if you're not sure), then choose this affiliation.

UW System
Do you work within the
UW System? *
If so, then choose this affiliation.
* As a UW System employee, you may have a role that falls into s. 48.981. If so, you must follow the "Mandated Reporters by State Statute."

Do you hold a position within a church or other faith organization?
If so, then choose this affiliation.

Before you continue...
- Download and print this document (then return to this window)
- You will need this document later in the “Making the Report” section
- Click the play button below.
Clergy: What Does the Law Require You to Do?
More about the exception mentioned above:
It is important to note that as a member of the clergy you may sometimes be acting in other roles, such as a school teacher or day care provider. In those roles, you are a mandated reporter of ALL child abuse or neglect – not just sexual abuse. And there are no confidentiality exceptions to reporting requirements when you are acting in other mandated reporting roles.
Finally, while state law mandates that you, as a member of the clergy, report suspected sexual abuse to a child, it also permits you to report other types of suspected child abuse or neglect.
The information that follows is designed to give you the basic support you need to fulfill these requirements. While you are only required to report suspected sexual abuse, you are encouraged to complete the entire training to assist you in identifying other types of abuse and neglect.

Before you continue...
- Download and print this document (then return to this window)
- You will need this document later in the “Making the Report” section
- Click the play button below.
UW-System: What Does the Law Require You to Do?
Note: All UW System staff who are not also mandated to report under s. 48.981 of the statutes must do the following
(UWS staff who are also required to report under s.48.981(2) of the statutes must follow the requirements of s.48.981):
Mandated Reporters by State Statute

Before you continue...
- Download and print this document (then return to this window)
- You will need this document later in the “Making the Report” section
- Click the play button below.